Safety on Road Activities

  • Each student was supplied with a large piece of paper and a hexagon shaped pattern on the paper. They wrote the word “STOP" onto the middle of the sign. Students put color the sign RED.

Activity’s goal is to teach students that a red Stop sign that they must stop look around and wait until it is safe to proceed.

  • Each student was supplied with a traffic light, black and white patterned shape on a large piece of paper. Students were allowed to color the traffic light in the proper colors.
  • Top Light: RED – This means you must stop on the line and wait until the light changes to green.
  • Middle Light: YELLOW – This means you must slow down and come to a stop on the line.
  • Bottom Light: GREEN – This means it is safe to proceed in your desired direction.

Activity’s goal is to teach students what the street lights mean and how to cross safely the road.